Wise Cicada Cafes Organic, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Whole-food Food/Meal Deliveries
Available within 2km radius of Wise Cicada, Newmarket, Auckland
Monday – Friday, 10am – 4pm.
Pick-up Available 7 Days, 9am - 6pm
Includes Raw Cakes (Vegan, Gluten Free, Refined Sugar-free)
A la carte Menu
Organic Juice/Smoothies
Organic Salads
Smoothie Bowls
WISE CICADA is community business providing a destination for conscious spending with informed choice - under one eco-friendly roof Wise Cicada is a gem in the middle of Newmarket, a place to feel at home, browse, eat a fresh healthy meal, shop for organic and natural grocery and household supplies and stock up on natural supplements and bodycare.Weve a very friendly team of knowledgeable staff to help you at all times.